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St Oliver Plunkett's Primary School, Ballyhagan

A special reading of the ‘The Fairy Dummy Tree by A.T Clerkin

30th Oct 2017

On Friday 3rd November Primary 1 pupils will experience the pleasure of meeting local author A.T Clerkin. Primary 1 have been learning about authors and how they are responsible for writing the books we love to read in school and at home.
Not only this, but children will get to listen to a personal reading of A.T.Clerkin’s first book,"The Fairy Dummy Tree".
We are also asking the children from The Orchard Playgroup to come to this excitng session. We are inviting any children from this group who may have dummies to bring them with them and hang them on the fairy tree for the baby fairies.
Parents of P.1 pupils/Pre-schoolers are invited with younger siblings who may wish to add their dummies to the dummy tree. This is a perfect opportunity to help your child give up their dummy. Please prepare these children during this week week that they are going to give their dummies to the fairies in Saint Oliver Plunkett’s Primary School.

(You may not be aware of this but the use of a dummy beyond the age of six months is habitual for the child and is of no use. Instead, it can affect the child's overall language and communication skills as well as their teeth alignment.)

We would encourage as many parents as possible to come to this exciting event where ALL children, with or without a dummy, will be engrossed in the story session with fairy props and conversation. In addition, they will get to meet the author, A.T. Clerkin.
You will be able to either purchase or order books for purchase of "The Fairy Dummy Tree" on the day. Books cost £6.99. Aisling has agreed to do book signings of all books purchased. We look forward to meeting the author A.T.Clerkin and to seeing you all there on Friday at 9.30am.