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St Oliver Plunkett's Primary School, Ballyhagan

Friends of St.Oliver Plunkett's PS

The Friends of St Oliver Plunkett's Primary School are a small group of parents of children presently at our school. They are assisted by a few others and they organise and run discos and other events to raise additional funds for the school.

In 2020/21 Mrs Claire Murphy is the Chairperson, Mrs Patricia McGrane is secretary and Mrs Monica McDonnell is  Treasurer. They are an active group and greatly enhance our school community. 

Your support would be invaluable. If you wish to become involved with the Friends of the School, please contact Mrs Kathy McCann school secretary and she will pass on your details. 

Thank you

25th Jul 2024
You'd have to be living under rock to not have sensed and experienced the wonderful...
1st Jul 2024
Now that the dust has settled, (quite literally and metaphorically) on the PTA's...
23rd Jun 2024
Check out the video below for all the pics from the fabulous Summer Festival and...
11th Jun 2024
Our wonderful P7 class enjoyed a fabulous day recently on the end of year leavers'...