Our Parish

St Oliver Plunkett's Primary School is situated in the parish of Kilmore. The parish of Kilmore rejoices in its heritage of more than fifteen hundred years of Christian worship. There are two churches in the parish, The Church of the Immaculate Conception at Mullavilly and St Patrick's Church at Stonebridge. These together with our Primary School under the patronage of St Oliver Plunkett, exist as focal points for expression of Faith by 320 families. The Parish Priest and Chairperson of the school Board of Governors' is the Very Rev Fr. Oliver Brennan.
The Children from Saint Oliver Plunkett's Primary School receive the Sacraments of First Holy Communion in Primary 4 and Confirmation in Primary 6/7 in Saint Patrick's Church Kilmore. Christmas Carol Services and concerts also take place between St Patrick's Church and the new Parish Pastoral Centre each year.
The parish offers a Children’s Sunday Liturgy Group which has been running since September 2007. It is aimed to provide children from Primary 1-7 with a basic understanding of their faith. The children of the parish gather during Mass to hear a simplified and more childlike version of the Gospel – which is followed by a brief discussion where each child has the opportunity to talk and discuss their understanding of the Gospel. Fun activities (related to the Catholic faith) are included to re-enforce what each child has heard and learnt. The children are also taught simple prayers like the Hail Mary, Glory Be To The Father, Our Father etc… as well as interesting stories about the Saints and some facts regarding the Mass.
All children have the opportunity to get involved with larger projects e.g. during the Advent period the Group concentrated on the Jesse Tree – the younger children made symbols for the tree, whilst the older children contributed by way of readings/explanations and also the creation of coloured banners brought to the altar every Sunday during Advent.
St Oliver Plunkett's Primary School, Annahugh Park, Loughgall, Armagh BT61 8PF Phone: 028 3889 1495