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St Oliver Plunkett's Primary School, Ballyhagan

School Policies and Procedures

Starting in June of 2022, the Board of Governors and school team will begin a process of reviewing, adapting and ratifying school policies and procedures which will then be added to the website. This programme of reviewing policies will run throughout the duration of the 2022-25 School Development Planning process. Given the upheaval, disruption and impact that the Coronavirus pandemic has had on school life for the past two years, we expect that each policy will need updated in light of the new 'norm' in education and to reflect the most recent developments in statutory requirements placed upon schools. Once each policy has been newly updated and ratified by the Board of Governors, it will be uploaded to this section of the website on a rolling basis. Please be advised that paper copies of all current school policies are available upon request from the school office and/or Principal.