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St Oliver Plunkett's Primary School, Ballyhagan

School Council


The School Council at St Oliver Plunkett's Primary School

The School Council for 2022-23 was recently elected after what was a thoroughly inspiring and thought provoking election process.

Each and every child who put their name forward for consideration, penned a manifesto at home and then presented their ideas, aspirations and personal qualities to their class peers. The time and effort that was put into writing and presenting the manifestos by each and every child was amazing and they are all a credit to themselves, their families and their school. 

Elections were held in each of the classes and the councillors were duely elected by their peers. This is another of our pupil leadership teams which will ensure that the pupil voice is heard and valued within the school.

At the first meeting it was agreed that the council would work towards acheiving the following aims;

  1. To work to make the school a happier and more fun place for ALL pupils;
  2. To collect, review and prioirtise the wishes and ideas of their class peers so as to improve their break and lunch time play opportunities; 
  3. To develop ideas and initiatives that align with the goals of promoting positive behaviour and keeping the school a 'Bully-Free-Zone'; and finally
  4. To work to promote healthier eating practices throughout the school and help pupils lead a more active lifestyle.  

Through the school council, we will ensure that the pupils are given a central role in having a say in how the school is run and it will enable all pupils, through their elected councillors, to have their voices heard!

We wish the 2022-23 School Council all the very best in their endeavours and look forward to sharing their successes with you throughout the year!




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