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St Oliver Plunkett's Primary School, Ballyhagan

Shared Education


St Oliver Plunkett's Primary School recognises the benefits of bringing children from different community backgrounds together. Shared Education  provides opportunities for children from different cultures to learn together for better education and reconciliation outcomes. Our partner school is Derryhale Primary School.


We are currently beginning the tenth year of our Shared Education programme with our partner school Derryhale PS. Our focus this year will be on developing and embedding the children's understanding of reconciliation through a series of PDMU (Personal Development and Mutual Understanding lessons delivered throughout the school. Problem solving in maths is also targeted, in an effort to develop the children's maths problem solving strategies.


The vision of our Shared Education partnership is to help deliver social change through education while promoting equality of opportunity, good relations and respect for diversity.

There will be opportunities for the children to learn about the different cultures that make up our diverse society. They will be able to share and celebrate their own rich culture while learning about and learning to respect that of other children. 




25th Jul 2024
You'd have to be living under rock to not have sensed and experienced the wonderful...
1st Jul 2024
Now that the dust has settled, (quite literally and metaphorically) on the PTA's...
23rd Jun 2024
Check out the video below for all the pics from the fabulous Summer Festival and...
11th Jun 2024
Our wonderful P7 class enjoyed a fabulous day recently on the end of year leavers'...