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St Oliver Plunkett's Primary School, Ballyhagan

Excitement Builds for World Book Day

1st Mar 2022

The boys and girls are all eagerly anticipating World Book Day this coming Wednesday (we are holding it a day early due to other commitments on Thursday) are the classes have all being getting ready for the bog day. Check out some of the lovely posters and information for WBD2022 created and shared by P6/7 to inform their peers of the plans for the day.


To help celebrate the event, not only will we host a fancy dress day in which pupils can dress up as their favourite book character, but we are also running a competition to see who can come up with a photo of themselves reading their favourite book in the most unusual place! All entries must be added to the PADLET which is linked below. PLEASE REMEMBER TO SEEK PERMISSION BEFORE POSTING ANY IMAGES TO AN ONLINE FORUM AND BE SAFE WHEN TAKING THE PHOTO!

Prize winners will be announced on Friday at the weekly assembly. So - get creative, stay safe, seek permission and GET SNAPPING!

Only one entry per pupil please and remember to put your name, class and the name of your favourite book as captions with your photo.