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St Oliver Plunkett's Primary School, Ballyhagan

First House Awards Winners Announced

1st Mar 2023

As messaged a month ago, we have launched a Red, Blue, Yellow and Green house system for every child in school. This has proved to be an immensely well received initiative and the children have all been doing their very best to win stars for the respective coloured team. Every adult member of staff has been awarding up to 5 stars each week to pupils throughout the school for their kindness, friendship with others, manners, respect and many many other reasons.

The engagement shown by each and every child has been fantastic and regardless of which coloured team won the first month’s competition, everyone deserves huge credit for their efforts. This system will continue for the rest of the year and we look forward to seeing which colour will win the Monty of March?????

And so to the winners for February. On 43 points we had the Blue team closely followed by joint 3rd and 2nd placed scores of 44points each for the Reds and Greens. Meaning that the inaugural winners of our house system for February 2023 was the YELLOW team with a brilliant score of 47 stars. ✨ 🌟 💫 ⭐️ 🌟 💫 

Pictured are our delighted YELLOW team enjoying their extra play reward this afternoon. The extra play was a reward suggested by the school council following their recent council meeting.