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St Oliver Plunkett's Primary School, Ballyhagan

P3/4 WWII Evacuee Dress Up Day

12th Feb 2019

Primary 3 and 4 are currently learning about World War 2 during World Around Us lessons.  The children have thoroughly enjoyed learning about this key historical event.  In recent weeks, we have been learning about important aspects of the war including; the causes of the war, air-raid shelters, evacuation and food rationing. 

Today Miss Gallagher's classroom was transported back in time! The children came to school dressed as evacuees and I'm sure you'll agree- they all looked the part!  We had so much fun! A WW2 living history character visited our class in the role of a Billeting Officer.  We got to try on gas masks and play games and sing songs that children would typically have sang during this period.  We practised the procedures that the children had to follow during the air-raids.  It really helped to bring our learning alive.

This afternoon, the children used their fantastic imaginations during our creative writing lesson.  They pretended that they were evacuees and wrote letters home to their families.  Cross-curricular learning is so much fun!  Well done boys and girls!