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St Oliver Plunkett's Primary School, Ballyhagan

Primary Two Blast Off!

8th Nov 2018

As they embark upon their new topic ‘Space,’ our Primary two children spent a very exciting morning in Armagh Planetarium.

The children began their adventure by going on a virtual journey, visiting each planet and learning about them along the way.

This was followed by some wonderful team work as the children worked in pairs to build their rockets. Then it was off outside to fuel the rockets and watch as Reah helped us blast them off. After Reah told us some interesting facts about how astronauts live when they are in Space

The children then got the opportunity to play in the Mars Room, here some children chose to dress up as astronauts while others made footprints on the moon and played with the Space themed  games.

Have a look at our photographs and video to see Primary two in Space.