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St Oliver Plunkett's Primary School, Ballyhagan

Sad Death of Mr Aitken.

7th Oct 2018

On Tuesday the 24th of September, we were very sad to learn about the death of our very popular teacher and friend, Mr Aitken.

 Mr Aitken taught at St Oliver Plunkett’s for 22 years both as Principal Release teacher and as a full time teacher for a year. He will be remembered as being an enthusiastic teacher who was genuinely interested in all of the children in the school. He had a special passion for nature and growing plants and it is hoped that a tree will be planted in his esteemed memory later in the year.  Many people’s last memories of Mr Aitken were at Mr Mc Kee’s retirement celebration, where he was surrounded by children. 

Mr Aitken will be sadly missed by everyone.

May his soul and the soul of all the faithful departed rest in peace.