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St Oliver Plunkett's Primary School, Ballyhagan

Shared Education in Primary 1/2

29th Mar 2023

Primary 1/2 have enjoyed reconnecting with their friends from Derryhale in our two recent Shared Education lessons.
While watching the Media Initiative clips which feature our puppet friends, we learned about the importance of everyone playing together and trying out all sorts of different games. After this clip, the children split into two groups. One group played games together with the parachute and the other group played some musical games with instruments. The two groups then swapped over so that everyone had the opportunity to participate in all games.

The next clip we watched highlighted bullying in the playground and how it will never be tolerated. We discussed what to do if someone hurts you either physically or by hurting your feelings repeatedly. The children know that they can support each other and tell an adult if bullying ever does occur. We then focused on the positivity of our friendships. The children decorated paper dolls to make a Friendship Chain. Half of the paper dolls remained in St Oliver Plunkett’s and the other half went back to Derryhale. The Friendship Chains will be displayed in both schools.