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St Oliver Plunkett's Primary School, Ballyhagan

News - Shared Education

2022/2023 School Year

26th Jul 2023
Final Reminder - Closing Date for Free School Meals and Uniform Allowance Applications...
26th Jul 2023
As we approached the end of June, and summer began to take hold, the Gardening Club...
24th Jul 2023
Here at St. Oliver Plunkett's Primary School we are always striving to instil an...
21st Jul 2023
The children were treated to an enthralling and wonderfully exciting Science Labs...
19th Jul 2023
The month of June proved to be an extremely busy time for everyone in school and...
5th Jul 2023
Free School Meals/Uniforms Grants A quick reminder that the applications for...
23rd Jun 2023
Defib fundraiser via JustGiving To help ease the process of helping to donate...
21st Jun 2023
We already knew that the P7 leavers of 2022/23, and their families, were an amazing...
21st Jun 2023
It is with a mixture of sadness tinged with immense pride that we celebrated the...